Lets keep it alive
Courtesy photo JR Cartwright
I'm not sure how many people actually read blogs, but I would like to explain how we plan to use this blog a little bit. In the near future we will be collecting stories, lessons-learned, ideas, opinions, complaints, etc. from different individuals across the community.
I have had the honor, like many of you, of being around some of the funniest, smartest, and hardest motherfuckers around this and other career fields. I always think how lucky I am to get to talk to some of the people that I do. So, I intend to pull from as many of them as I can, give them the floor, and let them run wild on this blog.
We think it would be tight if in the future, this became an outlet for the community. If you have anything to add to this blog, email highorderco@gmail.com and lets talk.
Any submissions can be done under a pseudonym or under your real name.
We have always been a community that passes down tradition, TTPs, stories, etc. I notice so many of our traditions becoming less common. Passing down info and hilarious stories should be the last tradition to die.
Lets keep it alive.